Gabi Steinbach received her Ph.D. in physics for studying tunable self-assemby of magnetic soft matter (or for joyful ‘playing’ with micro-magnets under the microscope) at the Helmholtz Center Dresden-Rossendorf. After that and before joining the Weitz group, Gabi held a postdoctoral position in the School of Physics at Georgia Tech, where she studied the bio-physics of birth and death in dense microbial communities. Her diverse past research activities fostered her passion for interdisciplinary research. In her current role as a research project coordinator in the Weitz group, Gabi is excited to integrate this interest together with her other passion for professional support of research trainees and early career academics (see CV for more). As a first-generation academic herself, Gabi is dedicated to support and uplift first-generation students. She serves as a career coach with ANY (America Needs You), a non-profit organization that provides mentorship and career development to first-gen students. When not at work, you might find her on a bicycle around Atlanta or ‘cycle-traveling’ somewhere in the world. To relax, Gabi loves everything ‘music’ — from playing instruments to dancing and watching live concerts.