Prof. Joshua Weitz outlines Covid-19 concerns with a return to campus
August 3, 2020

Prof. Joshua Weitz wrote a guest column in the Atlanta Journal Constitution discussing the potential ramifications of students returning to campus while Covid-19 still runs rampant throughout Georgia.

To understand why Georgia’s colleges and universities are not ready for face-to-face instruction, consider the return of 10,000 undergraduates to campus. How many of those will be infected with SARS-CoV-2? An estimate is possible by observing that in the past two weeks, more than 50,000 new cases have been documented in Georgia, more than 25% of the total cases reported by the Georgia Department of Public Health since the outbreak began.

Weitz referenced the Covid-19 risk assessment tool in his piece, citing that the tool “estimates that there is an approximately 50-50 chance that one (or more) in a classroom of 25 students and one instructor would show up to class infected with SARS-CoV-2.”