Quantitative Biosciences Textbook and Lab Guides Now Available

Quantitative Biosciences Textbook and Lab Guides Now Available

After nearly 10 years in development, the textbook “Quantitative Biosciences: Dynamics across Cells, Organisms, and Populations” and associated lab guides are now available to order from Princeton University Press and Amazon. Written by Prof. Weitz, the book serves as “a hands-on approach to quantitative reasoning in the life sciences.” Combined with companion guides in MATLAB, […]

Winter school, “Quantitative Viral Dynamics Across Scales,” comes to a close

Winter school, “Quantitative Viral Dynamics Across Scales,” comes to a close

Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL) University hosted a winter school centered around Quantitative Viral Dynamics Across Scales. Organized by Prof. Weitz, the school ran for one week (March 21-25, 2022) in Paris, France, and aimed to “bring thought leaders in dialogue with the next generation of early-career scientists to advance the integrative study of quantitative viral […]

Viral Updates Part 3: Microscopic Predator vs. Prey

Viral Updates Part 3: Microscopic Predator vs. Prey

Plants – even microscopic ones – come in all shapes and sizes. As important players in the Earth’s carbon cycle, marine researchers are particularly interested in what determines the size of phytoplankton, photosynthesizing microorganisms that live near the ocean’s surface. When these microscopic plant-like organisms sink to deeper ocean waters, they sequester the carbon they’ve […]

Computing Covid-19: Virtual quantitative biosciences workshop dives deep into the use of computational modeling in response to epidemics

Computing Covid-19: Virtual quantitative biosciences workshop dives deep into the use of computational modeling in response to epidemics

Throughout the past year, virtual communication has been necessary but challenging. Yet, with the increase in virtual events, there have been unexpected benefits to scientific collaboration and education. These benefits were obvious as over 100 young scientists from Georgia Tech and around the world gathered around their laptops for this year’s virtual iteration of the […]

Viral Updates Part 2: Bottles, Metagenomes, and Models, Oh My!

Viral Updates Part 2: Bottles, Metagenomes, and Models, Oh My!

The open ocean is the world’s wettest desert, containing vanishingly small concentrations of nutrients. Yet phytoplankton, a type of water-dwelling microscopic plant, have adapted to grow and survive in this near barren environment. These microorganisms play a key role in the biological pump, an important process that drives the ocean’s carbon cycle and absorbs carbon […]

Viral Updates: Glossary

Viral Updates: Glossary

Use this helpful guide to understand terms commonly used in research investigating viruses and their hosts.   Cyanobacteria (used in Week 1, Week 2) – A lineage of bacteria that conduct photosynthesis to grow, like plants. Cyano- comes from the color of the pigments they use to gather light energy. Cyanobacteria live in all kinds […]

Prof. Weitz is recognized for his collaborative work on Covid-19 viral testing and research

Prof. Weitz is recognized for his collaborative work on Covid-19 viral testing and research

Prof. Weitz has received three awards or his contribution to Georgia Tech’s Covid-19 response, as well as his collaborative research on assessing Covid-19 risk. The One Giant Leap award is given to those who use innovation to identify solutions to Institute level problems. Prof. Weitz and his collaborator, fellow Patton Distinguished Professor in the School of […]

Weitz Group research artistically imagined with Science.Art.Wonder.

Weitz Group research artistically imagined with Science.Art.Wonder.

Science and art came together through the Atlanta-based organization Science. Art. Wonder. S.A.W. focuses on using art to engage with science, pairing scientific researchers with artists to tell the stories behind the science. Group members Stephen Beckett, David Demory, Marian Dominguez-Mirazo, and Conan Zhao all collaborated with artists through S.A.W. to represent their research in a […]

Covid-19 Risk Calculator Featured in The New York Times, BBC News, and more

Covid-19 Risk Calculator Featured in The New York Times, BBC News, and more

The Covid-19 risk calculator created by our team has been featured in a number of news items as the holiday season approaches. See our research in the news below, and check out the paper detailing the calculator in Nature Human Behavior. BBC News National Public Radio: WABE Atlanta The Washington Post Reuters Wired Magazine Business […]