Quan Nguyen to join Bioengineering Ph.D. program at UPenn
Quan Nguyen, an undergraduate Weitz Group member since 2020, just graduated with a B.S. in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering. Quan has spent his time in the Group designing algorithms that estimate the risk scores of viral infections. This fall, Quan will be...
Jeremy Harris to Join Rose Hulman College as A Visiting Assistant Professor
Dr. Jeremy Harris will be leaving the Weitz Group to start at the Rose Hulman College in August 2023. Dr. Harris accepted a position as a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics. Congratulations Jeremy on this next step in your...
Dr. Justin Meyer Visits From UCSD
Dr. Justin Meyer is an associate professor in the Department of Ecology, Behavior & Evolution at the University of California- San Diego and head of the Meyer Lab. Dr. Meyer’s research focuses on experimental microbial ecology and evolution. Dr. Meyer presented a...
Shashwat successfully defends his dissertation, earning his Ph.D. in Electrical & Computer Engineering.
On March 22nd, 2023, Shashwat Shivam successfully defended his dissertation entitled “Endogenous and Exogenous Control of Virus-Host Dynamics,’’ earning his Ph.D. in electrical & computer engineering. Congratulations, Shashwat! To learn more about Shashwat’s...
localcovid19now: an updated software to map local Covid-19 case data published in Journal of Open Source Software
localcovid19now is an R package that allows users to process and map Covid-19 infections in subnational locations using a variety of data including population estimates, Covid-19 case data and spatial geometry in order to better estimate Covid-19 risk. localcovid19now...
Dr. Elaine Luo Visits From UNC-Charlotte
Dr. Elaine Luo is an assistant professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of North Carolina-Charlotte and head of the Microbial Ecology Lab. Dr. Luo’s research aims to address how microbes impact marine ecology and carbon cycling. Dr. Luo...
New Paper Assessing Uptake of Recent Covid-19 Bivalent Booster Published in CDC’s MMWR
There has been a low uptake of the new (available since early September ’22) bivalent booster COVID-19 vaccine in the USA (~15% of the population as of 10th January 2023). In this work, we set to ask the reasons why people are, or are not, electing to take the...
Quan Receives the Thomas L. Gossage International Enrichment Scholarship
Quan (King) Nguyen, a chemical & biomolecular engineering undergraduate that has been in the Weitz Group since 2020, has recently been selected by the Student Awards Committee of the School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering as the recipient of the Thomas...
The group welcomes Tapan Goel
The group recently officially welcomed Tapan Goel, a new postdoctoral researcher. Tapan is a biophysicist broadly interested in how complex behaviors emerge in biological systems from relatively simple “inter-particle” interactions. To answer this question, Tapan uses...
Quan Accepted into the Vietnam Education Foundation Program
Quan (King) Nguyen, a chemical & biomolecular engineering undergraduate that has been in the Weitz Group since 2020, has recently been accepted into the Vietnam Education Foundation (VEF) 2.0 program. Created by U.S. Congress in 2003 to “strengthen the...
The group welcomes two new Ph.D. students
We are delighted to announce that the Weitz Grouprecently officially welcomed two Ph.D. students, Akash Arani and Raunak Dey. Akash is a first-year Quantitative Biosciences Ph.D. student in the School of Biological Sciences, while Raunak is a second-year Physics Ph.D....
Siya Xie Joins the NIH T32 InQuBATE Training Program
Congratulations to Quantitative Biosciences Ph.D. student and Weitz Group member Siya Xie for joining the NIH T32 Integrative and Quantitative Biosciences Accelerated Training Environment (InQuBATE). As an affiliated scholar, Siya will participate in InQuBATE’s...