
Our Workshops

Quantitative Phage-Bacteria Dynamics Across Scales

Organized by the Weitz Group, University of Maryland, College Park, June 23-27, 2025

The Weitz group is hosting an international summer school on Quantitative Phage-Bacteria Dynamics Across Scales at the University of Maryland, College Park, June 23-27, 2025. The school will bring together experts in integrating models, experiments, and field data to understand how phage impact cells, populations and ecosystems. The course structure will include (i) morning lectures bridging the gap between models, mechanisms and data; (ii) afternoon computational labs in multiple languages (R and Python); (iii) evening plenaries & poster sessions. The course will include thematic days spanning cellular mechanisms, phage therapy, spatial dynamics, evolution, and ecosystem functioning. Space is limited and we expect ~25 slots for students — applications required with more information soon. We will support local costs (including hotel accommodations) for all accepted students. Apply by March 21, 2025 with a CV, motivation letter and one letter of support via:

Quantitative Phage Bacteria Dynamics Across Scales, U of Maryland June 23-27, 2025

Organized by Joshua Weitz  | São Paulo, Brazil  | October 16-19, 2023

The Covid-19 pandemic catalyzed an expansion in the size, scope, and relevance of epidemic modeling. In many cases, mathematical models became part of public health responses, shaping forecasting and decision making involved with interventions. Yet, integrating epidemic models in practice remains challenging, in part because transmission is shaped by pathogen dynamics and human behavior. This minicourse provided students and early career researchers an opportunity to learn the principles of epidemic model development along with recent advances in analyzing coupled disease-behavior dynamics, methods for model-data integration at scale, and ongoing challenges in utilizing mathematical models for pandemic prevention.

This one week school included a crash course in epidemic modeling suitable for those from other areas (mathematics, physics, engineering, computing) and for those from biology and public health who want to integrate quantitative modeling into their research. Lectures were supplemented by hands-on computational sessions to help course participants translate concepts into practice (computational sessions available in both Python and R).

Organized by Joshua Weitz  | Paris, France  | March 21-25, 2022

Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL) University hosted a winter school centered around Quantitative Viral Dynamics Across Scales. The school ran for one week (March 21-25, 2022), and aimed to “bring thought leaders in dialogue with the next generation of early-career scientists to advance the integrative study of quantitative viral dynamics across scales.” Prof. Weitz served as a lecturer and Scientific Committee Chair. Other guest lecturers include Weitz Group research scientist David Demory, postdoctoral fellow Jacopo Marchi, and several group collaborators.

Explore Previous Workshops

Hands-On Workshop 2021: Modeling Epidemics

Hands-On Workshop 2020: Modeling Epidemics

Hands-On Workshop 2019: Microbial Games

Hands-On Workshop 2018: Evolutionary Dynamics

Hands-On Workshop 2017: Stochastic Gene Expression