Ashley successfully defends her dissertation, earning her Ph.D. in Physics.
November 22, 2021

On November 18th, 2021, Ashley Coenen successfully defended her dissertation entitled “Inferring ecological interactions from dynamics in phage-bacteria communities,’’ earning her Ph.D. in physics.

To learn more about Ashley’s dissertation, read the abstract below.

Characterizing how viruses interact with microbial hosts is critical to understanding microbial community structure and function. However, existing methods for quantifying bacteria-phage interactions are not widely applicable to natural communities. First, many bacteria are not culturable, preventing direct experimental testing. Second, “-omics” based methods, while high in accuracy and specificity, have been shown to be extremely low in power. Third, inference methods based on time-series or co-occurrence data, while promising, have for the most part not been rigorously tested. This thesis work focuses on this final category of quantification strategies: inference methods.

In this thesis, we further our understanding of both the potential and limitations of several inference methods, focusing primarily on time-series data with high time resolution. We emphasize the quantification of efficacy by using time-series data from multi-strain bacteria-phage communities with known infection networks. We employ both in silico simulated bacteria-phage communities as well as an in vitro community experiment. We review existing correlation-based inference methods, extend theory and characterize tradeoffs for model-based inference which uses convex optimization, characterize pairwise interactions in a 5×5 virus-microbe community experiment using Markov chain Monte Carlo, and present analytic tools for microbiome time-series analysis when a dynamical model is unknown. Together, these chapters bridge gaps in existing literature in inference of ecological interactions from time-series data.