
Raunak Dey

Graduate Student Researcher

Department of Physics

rdey @ umd DOT edu

Raunak completed his BS-MS dual degree in Physics from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata in 2020. He studied stochastic trajectories of Brownian probes in viscoelastic fluids and micro engines in non-equilibrium setups. Raunak was primarily trained as an experimentalist in the Light-Matter lab, where he used Optical Tweezers for experiments. In Fall 2021, he joined Georgia Tech School of Physics as a graduate student and became interested in Biophysics and Computer Science to create a greater direct impact on society. With that goal in mind, Raunak joined the Weitz group in mid-summer 2022 to use the tools of non-linear dynamics, stochastic physics, parametric inference, and machine learning to model virus-microbe network dynamics or other Biophysical systems in the long run. In his free time, Raunak loves to cook and go on hikes around Atlanta. He is interested in the current economic-political scenario back home in India and believes more scientists should be a part of finding data-driven solutions to pressing societal issues. You can read his articles published in the media, on his webpage.