
Stephen Beckett, Ph.D.

Associate Research Scientist

Department of Biology

beckett @ umd DOT edu

Stephen Beckett is a computational ecologist who joined the Weitz Group as a postdoctoral researcher in 2015 at Georgia Tech, and transitioned to a Research Scientist position in 2019. Now at the University of Maryland, Stephen is an associate research scientist. Prior to joining the group, Stephen completed a Ph.D. in Biological Sciences at the University of Exeter, and before this an MRes in Mathematics in the Living Environment from the University of York. Stephen’s research into marine microbial ecology, network science, and infectious disease dynamics is driven through the development and use of mathematical models, computational methods, and software development. Stephen is an advocate for increasing access and transparency in science — both through Open Science practices and science communication. Some highlights have been contributing to @biotweeps and collaborations with artists through the Science.Art.Wonder project.